Member Profile

About Me
About Me:
The early days of parenthood can be a bit of a roller-coaster, with times of great joy mixed with some more challenging moments! Baby massage helped me to bond with my baby, helped me learn to read her cues, gave me a better understanding of how she was feeling and what she needed and quickly became an integral part of our bedtime routine. In fact, spending this intimate, beautiful time quickly became the highlight of my day; remembering lying her down, singing and massaging her before bed, helping her drift off to sleep are some of my most treasured memories.
One of the traditionally unspoken truths is that motherhood can be lonely. There are times where you may feel unprepared, out of your depth, exasperated, frustrated, even angry. That’s why I’ve built in a little time each week for you to chat to other mums so that you can share, learn and perhaps, let go of those early frustrations.
About Classes:
The weekly sessions are divided into two sections - the first part will be spent focusing on massaging your baby with the remaining time for babies to play. While your baby explores developmentally appropriate sensory toys and play equipment, you will have the opportunity to have a hot drink, enjoy some cake and have a chat.
How to Book:
To find out more and book your class, please visit:

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