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  • Hannah Bromwell


About Me
About Me:
I qualified to teach infant massage in 2015 when I worked as a health promotion worker at a local children’s centre. During lockdown and at a time I had taken a break from working to bring up my boys, I listened to podcasts and read some literature relating to early brain development which made me realise how much I loved and missed teaching baby massage. I felt sad thinking about new parents/caregivers and babies missing out on nurturing touch and human connection during the early stages of parenthood – a time when parents need support the most. I decided I wanted to create a special safe space for parents to learn infant massage. In 2022 Hannah Bromwell Baby Massage was born and I have been delivering courses to small groups and on a one-to-one basis since. I will be facilitating couples groups and dads groups over the next few months as I understand sometimes that one-to-one time with each parent helps improve confidence and connection.
About Classes:
I'm able to deliver courses within a group setting and private 1-1. Smaller group bookings are also available for anybody who might feel a little overwhelmed at the thought of joining a larger group.
How to Book:
Please feel free to give me a call or a message for more information or to book a course.

More information can be found on my Instagram, Facebook and Google review pages by searching;

Hannah Bromwell Baby Massage

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