Member Profile

About Me
About Me:
Hello, I'm Emily!

I trained with the IAIM in 2017 to become a qualified instructor to teach families Baby Massage within the Children Centre I worked for. After about 2 years, I decided to go down a slightly different route and I am now working part time within the NHS.

On my day off and at weekends, I now teach Baby Massage privately within families homes and I am now also offering group classes within the community of Hertfordshire. Since becoming an instructor, I feel like this is what I am meant to do in my career, it is a passion of mine and I absolutely love teaching families this wonderful bonding experience like no other. I am very much a people person and I enjoy the social interactions we can have together.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact me,

I look forward to welcoming you into my classes!
About Classes:
Each course is done over 5 consecutive weeks, lasting approx 1 hour each session. You will learn how to massage different parts of your babies body:

Week 1 - Legs & Feet
Week 2 - Stomach & Chest
Week 3 - Arms & Hands
Week 4 - Face & Back
Week 5 - Full body & Gentle Movements

What's included in the course:

- Bottle of 100% organic sunflower oil
- Printed weekly handouts of strokes learnt that session
- Parent handbook
- Keepsake
- Certificate of completion & small gift

I will provide mostly everything needed for the classes. All I ask is that you bring a blanket/towel for your baby/babies to lay on and a comforter. If you would also like to use something other than the sunflower oil that I provide (Please ensure this is an unscented oil or cream)
How to Book:
To book onto a course please visit my social media pages where you can send me a direct message:

Instagram - growwithloveuk
Facebook - Grow With Love

Alternatively, you can email me:

Privacy Policy:- Your Privacy is important to me, please email the above address for more information about how we store & use your information
Class/Company Location Date Cost
Baby Massage - 5 week course
Emily Dover
London14 Feb 202565.00View Profile