
AGM & Study Day 2024


We are thrilled to be offering our second hybrid Study Day.  This study day will take place in person on Saturday 5th October 2024 at the NVCO, London and will be simultaneously streamed live.  The day will also include the IAIM UK Chapter 2024 AGM as well as a trainer led stroke refresher session.  Book your place here and select online or in person accordingly.


£75 in person at NCVO Society Building, 8 All Saints Street, London, N1 9RL (cost includes delegate pack, hot lunch and refreshments)

Early Bird rate is: £70

£55 online attendance

Early Bird rate is : £50

There is a £65 reduced rate for Reg Reps, please contact the IAIM directly if this applies.

Full schedule to follow.

We can’t wait to see you, be together, and feel the energy and enthusiasm rise. Numbers are restricted both in person and online so click below to book your place!

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