
Welcome to the IAIM UK Chapter’s DONATE page!
Infant Massage Awareness Week (IMAW) is celebrated here in the UK every year. IMAW is an ideal time to hold events to raise awareness of baby massage, tell people about the many benefits and publicise your own courses.
As I am sure many of you know, the UK Chapter has a Humanitarian Fund. In the past it has been used to fund projects like The Spirit of the Community and to fund CIMI trainings for those who would otherwise not be able to afford to access our IAIM training.

Steps in September
We are delighted to announce our ‘Steps in September’ fundraising project. This project will be 2 fold.
- During IMAW CIMIs are encouraged to walk with their baby massage groups, asking for a donation towards our fundraising project.
- During the whole month of September CIMIs are encouraged to up their steps for sponsorship. Maybe walking with other local CIMIs or friends and family members.
We’re making it easy to collect sponsorship money by adding this URL to your own website or marketing materials for events and it’s a great way to raise awareness. We hope that many of you will join us in this fund raising project and whilst helping to raise awareness for Infant Massage also raise money for this great cause.
Please click here to access this and many more fliers to help with your fundraising.

You can donate directly into the IAIM UK Chapter Humanitarian account using the following details:
Bank Transfer:
Name: IAIM (UK) Community Interest Company
Account: 51721887
Sort code: 40-23-10
IBAN; GB67HBUK40231051721887