Sharon Peirson-Hagger

My name is Sharon Peirson-Hagger, I am 54 years old and married with two children. My career began over 30 years ago in London as a Primary school teacher. When my son Leo was born 19 years ago, I had my first introduction into the wonderful world of baby massage. My son absolutely loved having a massage and I loved spending time with him that was not feeding or changing!
So, following the birth of my daughter Mia I took a career change and retrained as both a Massage in Schools Teacher with the Massage in Schools Program (MISP) and became a Certified Infant Massage Instructor with IAIM. After this I set up my own business called ‘Baby Child Massage.’ At the moment, my week is split between teaching part time in a primary school and teaching baby massage sessions from my home.
I feel so lucky to be able to do both jobs as it is a privilege to work with families both in school and at the start of their parenting journey. I am passionate about the many benefits of massage for both parents and their children. I am really looking forward to working with new and established CIMIs in the UK as I hope we can network and support each other. When I am not working, I love walking or running with our miniature schnauzer, meeting friends, dancing, doing yoga, listening to live music and reading.
Sharon Peirson-Hagger
07961 804 755