Mary Beattie

Mary Beattie has been working with families, young people and babies for 18 years. Her educational background began in studying physical anthropology and moving through to training in young people’s work, sexual health outreach and education, clinic management and public health. She has been with the IAIM for ten years, having been completely inspired first in her massage in schools training and then by the IAIM instructor training delivered by Kate Pigeon-Owen and Sylvie Hétu respectively. She went on to become Sylvie’s course organiser in the UK before becoming a trainer herself. She has a wealth of experience as both a trainer and consultant, having written and delivered health and sexual health education training programmes to and for young people and professionals in both the UK and Southern Cape of South Africa.
‘The IAIM deeply respects the infinite number of ways a parent and baby journey together, and Mary was really drawn to this aspect. Following nearly two decades of supporting vulnerable young people in her other work, she understood deeply the window of opportunity we are given in the first year(s) of life. How this can shape a person’s future; how introducing safe nurturing touch, holding a loving sharing space for parents and being inclusive to all families can change lives. A lifelong protective function for a baby and support for a parent. Her mission is to support Vimala’s vision to bring nurturing touch into the lives of every family.
Mary has a special interest in bringing ways to her trainings that can respect our planet and its inhabitants. When she is not training, she is riding the beautiful waves of mothering 3 children and diving through the cooling waves of her local rivers.
For Mary this special work brings hope and possibility.
Phone: 07528 589859