Crystal Miles

Crystal’s introduction to Infant Massage was as a participant during a 5 week course with her first baby in 2010. Crystal was so moved and inspired by the programme and Vimala’s vision that she booked her instructor training that same year. Taking a new direction from her role as a qualified Nutritionist specialising in preconception and pregnancy health, Crystal joined the IAIM mission in 2011, mentored by Sylvie Hetu.
Continuously driven to share the IAIM message as far as possible, following years of extensive experience supporting families, Crystal was motivated to progress to IAIM International Trainer and embarked on a comprehensive and reflective 3 year process starting in Turin, Italy, with the International Committee for Trainer Candidates.
Crystal has played an active role in the association over the years as the Regional Representative for London, CIMI (Certified Infant Massage Instructor) Support Coordinator on the UK Board and the Social Media Committee for both the UK Chapter and at an International level helping to share the IAIM philosophy worldwide.
With a passion for infant psychology, attachment theory and responsive parenting, Crystal has dedicated her entire career to working with families and professionals, focussing on the perinatal period. Crystal passionately believes that a generation of responsive, nurturing parenting could change the world and that the IAIM programme provides an enjoyable and accessible way for every human being to experience the value and the far reaching benefits of these positive early interactions.
As well as instructor training, Crystal continues to run regular infant massage parent courses, loving nothing more than witnessing the intimate bond that forms between parent and baby through nurturing touch and staying connected to the roots of the movement.
Phone: 07778 343188
Facebook: @connectedbabies
Instagram: @connectedbabies
Twitter: @BabiesConnected
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