About the IAIM Trainers

Our International Trainers come from a wide range of backgrounds, including physiotherapists, health visitors, teachers, nurses, doctors, social workers, massage therapists and biologists. They are all members of the IAIM ‘Circle of Trainers’ and share expertise to ensure the highest quality of service to the IAIM.
All of the Trainers have been Certified Infant Massage Instructors (CIMIs) for at least 5 years and have undertaken an extensive 2-year training process and completed the requirements as established by the International IAIM Education Committee to become a fully qualified Trainer. They are all trained by the IAIM, thereby ensuring continuity of philosophy and training standards.
The International Trainers are responsible for training Certified Infant Massage Instructors according to the IAIM Infant Massage Instructor Training Programme, IAIM Mission Statement, bylaws and policies and procedures, as well as the guidelines established by the Circle of Trainers. They also work within their own Chapter’s regulations and policies.
Trainer’s are required to attend a biennial 4-day Trainers Meeting at which they revise the IAIM exam and core curriculum, review the professional requirements, discuss the evolution and adjustment of the IAIM programme and are offered continuing education courses.
In their role the Trainers support each other, sharing current information and research in the ever evolving field of infant and parent physical, social, emotional and mental health, as well as being supported by the IAIM’s Committee for Continuing Education (CCE) and working in collaboration with the Committee for Trainer Candidates (CTC).
The International Trainers who currently present courses in the UK are: